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Image by Florian Olivo

Bryan Conley

UX    Custom Logos    Digital Art


I’m a graphic interactive designer based in Louisville, KY.

I have been a freelance designer since 2018 and will not stop working on a project until the users needs have been met.


My Work

Awesome Arcade - UX Project

View My Case Study for the Awesome Arcade App

This is the first project I completed in a mock scenario where I needed to make an application with a purpose.  I chose to create a process to reserve pool tables or bowling lanes.

Custom Phone Case - Responsive Web Site

View My Case Study for the Custom Case - Responsive Site

This is the second UX Project I completed in a mock scenario.  Needed to create a responsive website for a fictious retailer that creates custom cell phone cases.

Voter Registration - Mobile First 

View My Case Study for Voter Registration Site

This is the third UX project I worked on in a mock scenario.  The goal of this project was two fold.  Social good, and design with the Mobile First ideology. 

Hardin County Sheriff's Office - Website

During my time at the Hardin County Sheriff's office, I was given the opportunity to update the existing website which at that time was still relative to the early 2000s Geocities/Angel fire frames layout.   I created a responsive design utilizing bootstrap to ensure the end user could adequality navigate the site regardless of device they were using.

Freelance - Graphic Design

These are some of my favorite projects I have been blessed to be apart of.  These Customers reached out to me for a unique need to help with their personal business and entrusting me to complete a quality product.

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